Monday, March 2, 2009

Lots and lots of books!

Some days I feel like people judge me. Today is one of those days. I mooch or swap books and all of my books arrive at the same time! Today was a day just like that! I got:
This Lullaby, Sexus (Rosy Crucifixion, Book One), and Second Helpings: A Novelfrom Paperbackswap.
Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch, One Hundred Years of Solitude, and You Know You Love Me (Gossip Girl, Book 2) from BookMooch.
The Elite and In Too Deep: An Elite Novel that I won from Sarah's Random Musings.
Right now I'm living with my in-laws and when I get this many books at once, I'm pretty sure they're judging my spending habits. It kinda takes the fun out of getting all those books in the mail! Well, maybe not!


Sarah Woodard said...

I hope you enjoy The Elite and In Too Deep. I love Second Helping and This Lullaby. I always get excited, when I get a package.

sweetmelissa818 said...

Thanks Sarah! I'm looking forward to reading all of my new books! I still need to read Sloppy Firsts though, it's supposed to be on its way!

Anonymous said...

Your in-laws are just sad they don't have their own amazing book packages arriving. Actually, that makes me sad for them!

Lenore Appelhans said...

I need to read 100 Years of Solitude. Everyone tells me it is fantastic!

sweetmelissa818 said...

Lenore- My father-in-law loved 100 Years of Solitude. He's a sucker for a tragic romance!

Melissa Walker said...

Great gets! Thanks for your comment on the French ads, Melissa. You seriously crack me up and sometimes I feel like we're the same person!