Monday, February 21, 2011

SHIVER-Write ten things about a book (plus one thing you would like to change)

While looking around on the internet I found this little form and decided to use it for a sort of book review. It's called "write ten things about a book (plus one thing you would like to change)".  I got it from the Enchanted Learning website.  It's simple, so I may actually have time to do it!I just finished Shiver by Maggie Steifvater and I really enjoyed it, so I'll start with it.
Shiver (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, #1)
1.  Grace is one of the best female characters I've read about recently.
2.  Sam is one of the best male characters I've read about recently.
3.  The detail involved in describing the woods was impressive.
4.  The plot was unique.
5.  It was often hard to predict what would happen.
6.  There were a lot of relateable  feeling in this book. Reading it brought out a lot of emotions.
7.  Shiver was very easy to read.  Being really busy, I still managed to read it in a reasonable
          amount of time.
8.  I enjoyed the format. Going from Grace's point of view to Sam's point of view made the
          story fun to read.
9.  Keeping the number of characters to a minimum is a great way to help the reader connect
          with the main characters.
10. It was a wonderful relationship.  Seeing it develop and grow was amazing.

One thing I would like to change:  I'm still trying to figure out why the Rachel character existed.  She was in the story a very limited amount and it didn't seem to be a very important role.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I Found Some Time!!!

So, it's been a very long time since I've posted anything at all here.  I've been working and going to school and raising by girls and moving (twice!) and a whole long list of other things.  I finally found two seconds to sit down and update my blog.  I'm trying to get life in order and, if all goes according to plan, I'll be moving this summer.  The destination is....Seattle!!  Sadie's starting kindergarten in the fall and I'm hoping to get things figured out so I don't have to move the girls around while they're in school.  I'll be graduating in May with an Associate's Degree in Early Childhood Education.  I've been spending a lot of time with little ones.  Last week I even taught a drawing class!  We drew a lovely seahorse.
 Isn't he cute!  It was my very first time drawing a seahorse, and I think I did pretty well.  

Anyway, moving on.  Sadie and Lena are getting so big.  Lena will be 3 in April and, as I said, Sadie's going to start kindergarten in the fall.  They grow up way too fast!
There are my girls, cute as ever! So this is an initial post that I'm hoping will turn into a continuously posting blogger, but life happens, so I make no promises!